> Detective

Real-time state inspection and more to solve the mysteries in your Flutter app in record time.

Community Edition

The community edition is, and will always be, free to use. Enjoy!
View any app state in real-time
Invoke functions and methods inside app
Edit app state in real-time
Pro Edition
24.99€ BUY NOW
The pro edition is a must-have for anybody who is serious about squishing those bugs.
View any app state in real-time
Invoke functions and methods inside app
Edit app state in real-time


1. Download using pub
> flutter pub global activate -sgit https://github.com/Norbert515/detective.git

By downloading detective you agree to the End User License Agreement.

(Optional) 2. Install the IntelliJ Plugin
3. Run your application
> flutter run --vmservice-out-file=detective_connect.txt
  • IntelliJ

  • VSCode

(Optional) 4. Activate pro version
> flutter pub global run detective --key=<product_key>
5. Run in Flutter app directory
> flutter pub global run detective
> detective
Make sure that the pub cache directory is in your path, more info

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Every good detective has to keep its secrets - no personal data ever leaves the application.